Fort Lauderdale Federal Review of Immigration Appeals Lawyer
Board of Immigration Appeals
The Board of Immigration Appeals, also known as BIA, falls within the Executive Office for Immigration Review, which itself is part of the Federal Department of Justice. The Board of Immigration Appeals is an administrative body which, except under rare circumstances, deals with courtroom proceedings. Its purpose is to interpret and apply laws dealing with immigration.
The BIA has the responsibility to hear appeals from some decisions that have been made by immigration judges and the Department of Homeland Security officials. These cases involve the United States Government and an alien, citizen or business. Decisions made by the BIA can be overruled by the Attorney General or reviewed by a federal court. Generally, BIA decisions will be reviewed in this manner. The federal court can modify or overrule the BIA decision.
If you are an immigrant seeking to obtain legal status and the ability to have legal employment in the United States you may be involved in a Board of Immigration Appeals matter. You will need the legal representation that Guerra Sáenz, PL can provide. We understand your position and will fight for your rights and help you get the best possible result.
Board of Immigration Appeals Jurisdiction
Several areas in which the BIA can render decisions on appeals include motions for reopening and reconsidering prior decisions by the BIA, the status of alien relatives regarding visa approvals, and aliens applying for admission to the United States. All of these areas mean that an immigration lawyer with experience and the ability to talk to you and know your situation can make the difference in obtaining a successful outcome for you. Guerra Sáenz, PL can give you this help.
In addition, the BIA is responsible for authorizing and recognizing individuals and organizations to enable them to represent parties dealing with the Department of Homeland Security as well as the BIA and immigration courts.
Charged With Violating Immigration Law
The Executive Office for Immigration Review is the function of the Department of Justice that typically rules on whether foreign-born persons who have been charged by the Department of Homeland Security will be removed from the United States.
If you are in this situation and are under the threat of being forced to leave the United States you should have the help of an experienced immigration attorney. We know the law and the administrative procedures that must be followed to protect your rights and safeguard your position.
The component of the Executive Office for Immigration Review which deals with appeals of decisions that have been rendered is the Board of Immigration Appeals. To successfully negotiate the appeal to the BIA you should have the help of an immigration attorney with the experience to help you get the best possible result. If you are facing this situation, our experienced immigration lawyers can help you.
Department of Homeland Security Removal Hearings
If you are in danger of removal from the United States due to alleged violations of immigration law, you should get legal representation to help you deal with this threat of deportation. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will file a Notice to Appear with an immigration court. The Notice to Appear requires that the individual appears in the court, gives the details of the alleged violations of immigration law, gives notice of the removal proceedings, and the consequences of failing to appear at scheduled hearings. It is possible to establish that the individual can qualify for relief from removal under various circumstances. It is important to know how to provide the information correctly in order to qualify for relief from removal.
Contact Guerra Sáenz, PL to speak with a Fort Lauderdale Board of Immigration appeals attorney today!