Kind, very knowledgeable, professionalI had an issue about my permanent residence and I decide to have MrGuerra as my lawyer to help me with my case and thanks to his advised and his professionalism my case was successful solved ,I really liked his genuine and friendly staff and also the fact that he was always there for me for any questions that I had ,I highly recommend that if you have any issue with immigration,Mr Guerra is the lawyer you need ,he is kind ,very knowledgeable,professional and makes you feel like at home .
- Florida
Excelente profesionalExcelente profesional, con un trato especial a cada uno de nosotros y con una calidad humana excepcional. Muchas gracias por su ayuda en todo nuestro proceso ante imigracion.
- Julissa V.
Empathetic and noble person
Luego de consultas con algunos abogados sobre la complejidad de mi caso EB2-NIW, tuve la suerte de encontrar al Doctor Luis Guerra. Desde el principio tuvo muy claro toda la parte tecnica con respecto al inconveniente que se me presento, y no se limito solo a brindarme informacion en la consulta. Su apoyo continuo mas alla de nuestra reunion, mostrando que no solo es un excelente profesional sino tambien una persona empatica y noble. Entiende perfectamente el impacto que puede generar en las familias un problema en el proceso migratorio. Una diferencia muy grande comparado con la firma fria e impersonal con la que trabaje anteriormente.
After consulting with some attorneys about the complexity of my EB2-NIW case, I was lucky to find Doctor Luis Guerra. From the beginning, he was very clear about the technical part of my problem, and he was not limited to just providing me with information during the consultation. His continued support of him beyond our meeting shows that he is an excellent professional and an empathetic and noble person. He perfectly understands the impact a problem in the immigration process can have on families. There is a huge difference compared to the cold and impersonal firm I previously worked with.
- Alberto G.
Agradezco al Dr. abogado y a su equipo por la atención y asesoramiento que me han brindado en estos últimos años desde que salí de mi país y al llegar acá en los Estados Unidos.
- Isaac G.
Excelente profesionalEs un abogado presto a atender todas las inquietudes de sus clientes considero que es un excelente profesional
- Marlene D.
Grateful to have him as my attorneyMy experience meeting and sharing with Lewis was reassuring and pleasant. I was comfortable expressing my concerns about my situation. He was very understanding. I am grateful to have him as my attorney. I wish him well!.
- Evon R.
Su servicio será 100% recomendadoEl mejor de los servicios, mil gracias don Luis, desde que hablamos hace casi 4 años, Ud me prometió llevar mi caso en el momento que estuviera listo. Y se esto se hizo realidad, hace 6 meses empezamos el tramite y hoy con mucho regocijo y orgullo Ud me entrega una gran presea. Usted y su representada se han convertido en parte de mi familia. Su servicio será 100% recomendado. Mil gracias y bendiciones Su amigo y cliente R.Varito
- R. Varito
Very helpfulExcellent attorney and I would recommend to anyone with immigration issues. He was very helpful and took care of us with our case.
- Ada S.
Muy profesionales, muy objetivosFelicito a Guerra Saenz abogados, por la la representación legal de mi caso migratorio ante USCIS. Muy profesionales, muy objetivos, conocen su trabajo y tienen mucha experiencia. Resultados asegurados, mi más alta recomendación !!!
- Romulo P.
Muchas gracias por su soporteEl Dr. Luis Guerra y equipo son un equipo de de profesionales muy acertados, trabajan con mucha dedicación hasta altas horas de ser necesario. Muestran empatia con los clientes ante los casos de urgencia y situaciones difíciles ayudándolos a resolver problemas de manera efectiva . Mucha calidad humana pero sobretodo logran comprender al cliente lo cual transmite mucha tranquilidad. Muchas gracias por su soporte !!
- Fiorella C.
THANKS AGAIN for keeping our family togetherJust wanna start off by saying THANK YOU SOO MUCH Mr Guerra. You did what other big immigration law firm said wasn't possible. I will try to keep my experience as short as possible. My sister had over stayed on her work visa. She was locked up by Ice, and was in a holding station in FL. When I received the news i instantly went online to do my research to find the best Lawyer. I pick 4 lawyers based upon the reviews that I read. The first two Lawyers that I called, they were very big immigration law firms. Both of them told me that My Sister had to leave the Country an do the paper work out of the country. I called Mr.Guerra and did a consultation over the phone. He broke down the procedure step by step on how he would handle my Sister case. One consultation and I was confident that I found the lawyer to represent my sister. He got my sister out and also help her to get her green card. THANKS AGAIN for keeping our family together
- Junior B.
Muy profesionalesMuy profesionales mi Novia que ahora es mi esposa fue aprobada con su Visa K1! Me ayudaron en cada uno de todos los pasos a seguir. Gracias Guerra Saenz, PL!
- Kevin L.
So grateful for this firmWe had such a complicated case and saw so many attorneys before finding Guerra, none of which wanted to take our case or even consider it. Guerra welcomed us and finally gave us the time and consideration we were searching for everywhere. He was very knowledgeable and professional which made us feel so at ease and confident. Right away he got the ball rolling on our case and within a few short months we got the documentation we've been praying for so long!! So grateful for this firm and how on top of everything they were, will recommend them to anyone in need of an immigration attorney they can count on!
- Mariana C.
Muy rapidos y eficientesMuy rapidos y eficientes en su labor como abogados exitos en este nuvo año y espero poder ser clientes de sus oficinas,bendiciones
- Caballero Z.
100% recomendado.El abogado Luis guerra , fue muy profesional , me sentí escuchada y entendida . Mi tramite se realizó rápido , me llegó antes del tiempo esperado , lo que se agradece y me dio un tranquilidad enorme . El se juntó conmigo y realizó los papeles , verificando que todos los datos e información estuviera correcta. 100% recomendado.
- Carolina Z.
Una increíble personaEl mejor abogado que podrás conocer en tu vida, aparte de ser el mejor en lo que hace es una increíble persona con un corazón enorme dispuesto a ayudarte. No se arrepentirán nunca lo recomiendo muchisimo ❤️❤️❤️
- Jennifer G.
Muy amables y profesionalesSatisfechos con el servicio que nos brindo el abogado y su personal. Todos son muy amables y profesionales
- Gabriela P.
Sets himself above the restFrom the beginning when our family member had his immigration issue we knew we had to find a lawyer that knew how to navigate the immigration system to provide the best level of representation to his clients. What we found with Mr. Guerra was a dedicated professional lawyer that was honest, forthright, and firm on his strategies on how to provide legal defense to his clients. We found him on social media and quickly we were able to setup a consultation and a face to face meeting where he gathered all the information needed to lay out the ground work for our case. From there on what we got from him and his team was top level work that concluded with a victory for our case. Let me stress that where Mr. Guerra sets himself above the rest is in his professional knowledge of the system and that whats we felt most comfortable with. Thank you Mr. Guerra we appreciate you and your team and I will blindly recommend your office to anyone in need of legal representation in such matters.
- Abner M.
100% trato personalEl Dr Luis Guerra fue quien completó, con mucha profesionalidad mi documentación a la legalidad. Años de espera se acabaron con su experiencia. Lo recomiendo 100% trato personal y te representa con energía y seguridad para tu caso. ¡No esperes más! El tiene la solución a tu caso como lo tuvo con el mío.
- Oscar S.
Extremely honest, highly knowledgeable, kindI’m so glad that my friend invited me to come with her to her first consultation. Mr. Guerra is an extremely honest, highly knowledgable, kind, patient, and a caring attorney. His staff is as friendly as he is. He walked through her case with explicit step-by-step directions. He really enjoyed his work and make sure his clients are very comfortable before they’re signed any paperwork. I like the fact he did not pressure my friend. Your services were excellent. We were treated with respect and for the first time in a long time felt that there are some immigration attorneys who really care about their clients.
- Cynt P.
AMAZINGThe attorney Luis Guerra and his staff are AMAZING! They are always well aligned and available to. Answer all request in a timely manner. Very skilled and knowledgeable lawyer. Strongly recommend!
- Indira G.
Es mi favorito porque fue transparente conmigo.
Estaba a punto de ser deportada. Tenía una green card pero había cometido dos delitos, por lo que me enviaron al tribunal de deportación. Mi abogado anterior no me ayudo demasiado e incluso me dijo que debería ofrecerme voluntaria para ser deportada. Llevé mi caso al Sr. Guerra tras reunirme con varios abogados más. Él fue mi favorito porque fue transparente conmigo. Me dijo las cosas buenas y malas acerca de mi caso. Me dijo que tenía una pequeña oportunidad de ganar, ¡y eso es lo que hizo! ¡Todo salió bien y ahora soy ciudadana de los Estados Unidos! Gracias, abogado Guerra. ¡Es usted el mejor!”
- Maria Y.
Yo le recomiendo a todos los latinos que lo visiten por sus problemas de inmigración
Gracias abogado por contestar todas mis preguntas. De verdad es usted un abogado derecho hay abogados que se aprovechan de los indocumentados latinos gracias Dios lo bendiga. Yo le recomiendo a todos los latinos que lo visiten por sus problemas de inmigración. Gracias.
- Victor G.
La efectividad, rapidez y el conocimiento con el que llevo mi caso estando a punto de la deportación100% recomendado. La efectividad, rapidez y el conocimiento con el que llevo mi caso estando a punto de la deportación, siempre pendiente y en contacto conmigo referente a mi caso y al día de hoy pude volver a obtener mi green card y haber concluido mi proceso de ciudadanía de forma satisfactoria.
- Luis B.
Comprende realmente las dificultades a las que se enfrentan los inmigrantes
Solo me comuniqué con el Sr. Guerra a través de su canal de YouTube. Me casé el año pasado y quería comenzar el proceso de ajuste de estatus lo antes posible, así que contraté a un abogado que nos cobró mucho dinero y, básicamente, ¡no hizo nada! Así que decidí hacer el papeleo y comenzar la petición yo misma. Sin embargo, algunas preguntas en los formularios eran un poco complicadas. Le envíe múltiples mensajes al Sr. Guerra y él me respondió de manera amable y paciente. Incluso me dijo que no tuviera miedo de responder a algunas preguntas complicadas. Mi green card fue aprobada recientemente y tengo que agradecérselo a él porque respondió a preguntas clave y me dio la confianza para salir adelante. Esto es admirable porque algunos abogados hacen lo contrario, asustándote para que no tengas más opción que contratarlos. Él comprende realmente las dificultades a las que se enfrentan los inmigrantes y, sinceramente, desea ayudar a la comunidad. No me cabe duda de que el Sr. Guerra puede resolver cualquier caso. Es una autoridad en el campo de la inmigración, así que, si busca un abogado bueno, de confianza y capacitado, no siga buscando y contrátelo a él. Siempre le estaré agradecida por su ayuda. ¡Qué Dios lo bendiga siempre!
- Doris G.
Servicio excelente
Permaneció a nuestro lado en todo momento, desde el principio hasta que conseguimos finalmente el estatus de Residencia Permanente. La primera entrevista fue suficiente para decidir trabajar con él. Obtuvimos la profesionalidad, asesoramiento y apoyo que necesitábamos para presentar un caso fuerte y conseguir nuestros objetivos con el Servicio de Inmigración de los EE.UU. ¡Muy recomendable!
- Alfredo
Es Bueno como Abogado y como persona tambien
Es Bueno como Abogado y como persona tambien el esta para ayudar en todo lo q la ley lo permite.
- Garces G.
I will most definitely continue to use your services
Had a few questions that we were not 100% clear on, called this place and was told I can have a phone consultation. This gentleman answered all my questions with patience and had so much knowledge! Thank you so much for your time. I will most definitely continue to use your services.
- Mary C.
Very Professional & Affordable
Mr. Guerra was very thorough in my application process and the advice he provided was professional. His follow-up with each step was prompt as were his answers to my inquiries. He is a true (and affordable) advocate and I recommend him to my friends and family.
- Garry
Excellent LawyerThank you, Mr. Guerra, for everything you did in my case!! Today I become American citizen and I'm glad to hire you to my case. He is very professional and competent. Thanks for everything.
- Leonardo
A very professional lawyer
A very professional lawyer, who takes you step by step through all your processes. My wife and I are very pleased with the professional service we received from the law office of Guerra Immigration Lawyer.
- Marco
Mi familia está reunida gracias a su trabajo
Excelente trabajo, profesional y dedicado. Desde el principio nos explicó el proceso a seguir. Mi familia está reunida gracias a su trabajo. Definitivamente recomiendo sus servicios.
- Maria V.
Exelente abogado
Resumiendo mi historia. Después de 12 años sin un estatus migratorio en este país, y con un anterior caso en inmigración, por miedo y otras variantes más no había sometido un nuevo caso a uscis. El año pasado me decido ya por fin hacerlo y luego de visitar 5 abogados los cuales no me convencieron del todo, un domingo por la tarde encuentro al señor Guerra por internet decido llamarlo el mismo domingo, me consulta por tel, recuerdo que me preguntara "porque había esperado tanto" que no tenía porque temer. Luego de la llamada, hago una cita personal, en la cual me doy cuenta que era la persona adecuada para llevar mi caso. Inmediatamente empezó a trabajar en el, y hoy día 10 meses después de haber empezado ese procesó que demore tanto tiempo, Gracias al señor primeramente, luego al señor Guerra soy residente permanente. Excelente profesional, excelente ser humano y persona. Agradecida infinitamente... Gracias por tanto.
- Guadalupe
If you want the best lawyers working on your case, this is the place.
If you want the best lawyers working on your case, this is the place. Luis Guerra provides professional advice on my green card filing. He is very knowledgeable and experienced in the field. From the first conversation, he correctly predicted what to anticipate in my case. His expertise gave me the confidence to continue with the firm, immediately after I talked with him. He helps me during the interview process and advises me on the process followed. He is very supportive and handles the procedure smoothly. He impressed me not only with professionalism but also with the art of communication as an outstanding attorney. Luis has been advising me over the course of several years on various tedious filing procedures. He is informative and supportive over a time frame of several years. The immigration process is time-consuming, and Luis's support is very consistent and reliable. This firm is a good, professional and very outstanding leadership. I wish that I came to Guerra Sáenz firm earlier for professional assistance. That could have saved tons of sleepless nights and grey hairs. I am glad I did when I was referred by a lawyer friend a few years ago.
- Nadya
Excelente abogado
El abogado Guerra nos orientó, nos ayudó desde el inicio. Sus recomendaciones fueron claras y concisas. Siempre estuvo dispuesto a responder cualquier pregunta que tuvimos durante el proceso. Recomiendo al abogado Guerra al 100% por su conocimiento en la materia y por su amabilidad hacia los clientes.
- Fabian
Paciencia, eficiencia y honestidadResolvio todas nuestras inquietudes y propuso soluciones eficientes a todos los inconvenientes presentados.
- Dora
This is your go-to guy hands downAbsolutely the best immigration attorney. He makes it happen. This is your go-to guy hands down.
- Natalia R.
Phenomenal Lawyer, couldn't have asked for someone better.Mr. Guerra handled my case to have me deported. He was referred to me by another outstanding lawyer that resolved some of my legal issues in 2011. All in all, Mr. Guerra walked me step by step on what the possibilities were, how the case looked and assured me nothing but the best on his part. There were times that I was a bit skeptical but Mr. Guerra always helped me level headed and kept guiding me through the open case to have me deported from the United States. When it came to the court date, his ability to lead within the courtroom reassured me that he was the best man for the job. I wish nothing but the best for him, and if anyone ever needs any immigration or a criminal defense attorney, I would highly recommend Mr. Guerra.
- S. Nieto
So thankful I found you!When I hired Luis, I was in such a big loop I couldn't believe any lawyer could get me out of it. My case involved both immigration and traffic issues, and I didn't even know how to approach both problems together. I found Luis through this site (thank g-d for that) and went to see him at his office the same day. He was so friendly, and I would say "real" that I've hired him right away. Not only did he resolve my case, but he also resolved a few that came after! Easily! Thank you so much, Luis! So thankful I found you!
- Maya B.
Trabajo con excelecia Dr GuerraEstuvimos muy preocupados por los trámites en Migraciones. El Dr Guerra tuvo paciencia en guiarnos paso a paso, con total seguridad. Ahora mi familia ya vino a USA y estamos muy satisfechos con el trabajo que hizo. Yo recomiendo sus servicios, Dr Guerra es muy eficiente y confiable.
- Maria V.
El mejor abogado de immigrationEl mejor abogado de immigration. Dios lo bendiga hoy y siempre!!
- Alexandra T.
He was also accessible to meMr. Guerra is an excellent, knowledgeable attorney. He always answered my questions honestly and did not just tell me what I wanted to hear. He was also accessible to me even after hours! If you ever need an immigration attorney, I would recommend Mr. Guerra!
- Shelley
HE KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING!!When I hired Luis, I was in such a big loop I couldn't believe any lawyer could get me out of it. My case involved both immigration and traffic issues, and I didn't even know how to approach both problems together. I found Luis through this site (thank g-d for that) and went to see him at his office the same day. He was so friendly, and I would say "real" that I've hired him right away. Not only did he resolve my case, he also resolved few that came after! easily! Thank you so much Luis! so thankful I found you! :)
- Maya
God bless you!After trying to hire several lawyer a simple call to Mr. Saenz gave me the peace of mind I needed. I truly appreciate the advice and for taking the time to listen. God bless you! :)
- Arleny M.
I highly recommend him.Mr. Guerra was prompt to respond as soon as I contacted him. He is professional, knowledgeable and made everything flow seamlessly. I highly recommend him.
- M. Corujo
Awesome experience and great results!Awesome experience and great results! Mr. Guerra is the rainmaker of immigration law. He and his team were able to stop my deportation and now I am a US citizen!!
- P. Morientes
Passionate, personal & professionalPassionate, personal & professional immigration service!
- M. Stanbury
Best immigration law firm in the United States!Best immigration law firm in the United States! We work in the entertainment industry. Every time we need to bring performers from overseas we rely on Guerra Saenz, PL. to get our work visas secured.
- A. Mazza
Honest, trustworthy, and fastExcellent lawyer. Mr Guerra always responds and he's always available to help his clients. He always explains all the process in advance, including legal, fees and time. I trust Mr. Guerra especially because he solved my case in a timely manner even though i was in a different state, which means he is very independent and is not one of those lawyers you have to be chasing around to solve your situation.
- Manuel V.
Honest, reliable, knowledgeable!!!Honest, Reliable, Knowledgeable!!! Mr. Guerra resolved my complex deportation case. Mr. Guerra said yes where other attorneys had turned me down. Thank for taking the challenge Mr. Guerra!
- E. Almojahid
Terrific immigration attorney!Terrific immigration attorney! You will know he is the right one from the minute you meet with him.
- P. Fuentes